Always warm-up before starting a workout! Yoga can be helpful for pre-workout warm-up. Your muscles will be cold and rigid before you begin your workout, which could result in injury if you begin right away.
Warming up your muscles increases blood flow and strengthens your joints for movement, helping you to get the most out of your workout while decreasing your risk of injury. Warming up before your practice helps you to reconnect with your breath and renew your knowledge of your body.

Warm-up for 5 to 15 minutes, or until your skin is warm to the touch and the heart rate begins to rise. The aim of your warm-up is to gradually increase your heart rate – the main word here being gradual – and reconnect with your body.
Warming-up time is determined by the strength of your practice and the condition of your body at the time. If you’re training alone, you’ll have to consider how much warm-up you want to do. You can also approach Health Care Services for a better experience. There are a number of internal and external factors that influence your decision. Your body, your surroundings, and the sort of practice you choose to do are all variables. A warm-up is often required for a practice on a given day, but it is not required for a practice on a different day.
Yoga for Pre-Workout Warm-Up
- Stretch your legs
Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, one at a time or all at once, to begin working your legs. Lift one leg off the floor, aiming the sole of your foot at the ceiling, with your low back firmly planted and your pelvis neutral. Keep the other foot on the ground or raise it to reach the first. It’s fine to keep your legs bent if straightening them is difficult.

They don’t have to be fully perpendicular; raise them as high as you feel comfortable. This position can be made more comfortable by stretching a strap across the sole of your foot. Start to stretch and then point your foot once your leg has been lifted. Take note of how distinctive these contrasting positions sound all the way up your leg. The hamstrings, feet, ankles, calves, and fronts of the shins are all being extended.
- Pose of the Needle’s Eye
Cross your right ankle over the opposite knee while remaining on your back for the eye of the needle pose (Sucirandhrasana). You should keep your left foot on the floor if you’re just getting started, particularly if your hips are tight.
Draw your left knee closer to your body for a deeper stretch. Take it easy at first because your hips can be sore. Switch legs once you’ve finished on one side to loosen up the other.
- Pose with Ease
Come up to a relaxed cross-legged position for a simple pose (Sukhasana). Place one or two folded blankets under your seat to lower your knees to hip level. Perform a few neck rolls at this stage. Allow your chin to drop toward your chest first. Then roll your chin to the left shoulder, circle your head around, and then roll it to the right shoulder. Continue rotating slowly for about five rotations, passing around any tight spots. Then rotate in the opposite direction for an equal number of rotations.
If your neck hurts, skip the part where you let your head drop back and just shift your chin forward from ear to ear.
Perfect posture is a much more difficult seated pose (Siddhasana).
Siddhasana will lengthen your spine and stretch your inner thighs.
- Eagle Arms
Take the arm position for eagle pose while remaining seated in easy pose (arms crossed, bent, and parallel to the floor).
This gives you a nice stretch around your shoulder blades and the middle of your back, which is otherwise difficult to stretch.
If you start with the right arm on top, make sure you spend the same amount of time with the left arm on top.
- Simple Twist
Maintain a relaxed posture with your legs and twist to the right, taking your left hand to your right knee and your right hand behind your back. Gently cast your eyes over your right shoulder. Then, when looking over your left shoulder, twist to the left, putting your right hand to your left knee and your left hand behind your back.

This is just a warm-up, so this shouldn’t be the most intense twist. This is also a nice spot to lean forward from your comfortable pose. Move the position of your legs so that the opposite leg is in front if you’ve been sitting cross-legged for a while. You can either stay here before class begins or do a few more stretches if you like.
- Cat-Cow Stretch
Do a few rounds of cat-cow stretches if you still have time (on all fours alternating arching and rounding your spine). Since you’re on your own, make sure your body is in harmony with your breath, allowing the breath to lead the movement. Start each motion with your tailbone and work your way up your spine until your head is the last thing to move.
- Downward Facing Dog
Coming into a downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a nice way to spread out your legs one last time. To lengthen the calves and hamstrings, pedal the heels up and down.
- Child’s Pose
Balasana (child’s pose) is a great addition to every warm-up routine. Child’s pose, though often thought of simply as a resting pose, often provides a pleasant stretch for the hips and thighs, as well as a chance to focus inward in preparation for your upcoming class. Start by sitting on your heels with your big toes together in a child’s pose. Make your knees a safe distance apart, at least as wide as your hips or as far as the mat’s edge.
Exhale and rest your head on the mat with your body between your thighs. Extend your spine and place your hands alongside your torso on the concrete.
- Pose of the Goddess
Many people prefer to start class in goddess pose (Utkata Konasana), a standing wide-legged squat, to open the hips even further, rather than the previously described poses. If this is your favourite form, go ahead and use it.
You may also do the pose seated (cobbler’s pose) or simply return to easy pose for a few minutes before your class starts.
- Rotations of the Shoulder and Torso in an Easy Pose
Inhale deeply. Exhale and raise your arms parallel to the floor, bending your elbows so that your fingertips meet your shoulders. Pick shoulders up and rotate back with an inhale, then rotate down with an exhale. Perform five of these rotations, shifting your body with your movement and paying attention to how your shoulders are feeling right now.
If you’re feeling the pain that you know isn’t coming from your muscles, don’t press it. At any moment. Switch directions after five rounds are completed. Once you’ve completed these five, rotate your upper body from side to side with an exhale, holding your hands softly on your shoulders. Perform five rotations on either foot, exhaling as you rotate and inhaling as you return to the middle. Exhale, let go of your arms and get down on all fours.
- Pose like a dolphin (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
Start with a Downward Facing Dog, tucking your toes under and exhaling, push yourself into a downward dog, fingers spread wide apart, if possible, and ankles to the ground. Exhale and lower your forearms one by one to the ground in a Dolphin Pose. Lift your hips to the ceiling. Keeping your fingers wide and your arms from spreading too far apart.

- Warrior Pose 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)
Return to Downward Facing Dog, inhale, raise your right leg up, and exhale, bring it in between your arms after repeating. Being a Warrior for the First Time 1. Create a 45-degree angle with your left leg, place your right knee on top of your right ankle, and align your hips with the front side of the mat. Lift your arms in the air and follow them with your gaze. After five breaths, we’ll move on to Warrior 2 from Warrior 1.
- Variation of Warrior 2 Pose with Cactus Weapons (Virabhadrasana 2)
Bring your arms parallel to the floor and open your hips to the side. Tuck your pelvis, raise your chest, and drive your back heel and outside of your back foot into the ground. We’re going to do Cactus Arms now, so bend your arms at the elbows and spread your fingers wide. Stay here for five seconds, then exhale and move into Downward Facing Dog by lowering your arms to the floor. Repeat on the other side.
- Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
From Downward Facing Dog, lower yourself to the ground, place your knees on the floor, and move into a Sphinx. Raise your head and upper body slightly by placing your elbows beneath your shoulders. Feel the slight bend in your lower back by engaging your lower back. Hold this position for five breaths before releasing to the ground.

- Neck Roll
Standing in Mountain Pose, shift your neck from side to side while breathing. Exhale and roll to the left, starting at the middle. When standing, inhale and roll to the right. After you’ve completed five half circles, you will progress to the full range – but be cautious while rolling your head back.
- Standing Seal Pose in Yoga (Dwikonasana)
Step your feet hip distance apart starting in Mountain Pose. Straighten your spine, tuck your pelvis, and roll your shoulders back. Inhale and raise your arms parallel to the floor, fingers interlaced behind your back. Exhale and begin folding forward from your hips, raising your arms above your head for a wonderful stretch. Take five deep breaths and hold them.
- Start in Mountain Pose with your feet together and grounded (Urdhva Hastasana)
Pull your kneecaps up to enable your legs and stretch your toes to catch the mat. Tuck your tailbone in, roll your shoulders back, and keep your spine straight. Inhale and raise your arms. Fingers should be interlaced. Feel as if someone is dragging you up from your head by releasing your index fingers. Exhale, and from your hips, turn your upper body to the right. With each exhale, keep your hips straight and deepen the stretch.
Take five deep breaths and hold them. Hold your pelvis tucked in, your feet planted firmly on the deck, your chest open, and your shoulders away from your face. Inhale, lift your head back up, and exhale. Go on with the same procedure on the left hand.
- Forward bend when seated
This stretch will help your back, shoulders, and hamstrings loosen up. It stretches your lower back as well.
To perform this stretch:
- Sit with your legs stretched in front of you.
- To lengthen your spine, slightly engage your abdominals and drive your sit bones into the floor.
- Fold forward at the waist, stretching your arms out in front of you.
- Tuck your chin into your chest and relax your head.
- This pose can be held for up to 5 minutes.
- Pose of bound angle reclining
This calming hip opener will help alleviate muscle tension in the hips and groyne, which is particularly helpful if you spend the majority of your day sitting.
To perform this stretch:
- Sit on the floor and bring the soles of your feet together.
- Lean back on your hands to bring your back, neck, and head to the floor. You can use cushions or pillows under your knees or head for support.
- Place your arms in any comfortable positions.
- Focus on relaxing your hips and thighs as you breathe deeply.
- Hold this pose for up to 10 minutes.
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