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41 Content Promotion Tools: The Ultimate List

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The evolution of content marketing has ushered in a sea shift in the marketing world. You’ve probably heard of content marketing and its ability to transform your online company and take it to the next level since its inception. You may have the best content in the world, but without a content marketing plan, it will do little for your business.

Even the most persuasive material isn’t enough to get it heard. You’ll need a content marketing plan to get your content out there, regardless of whether it’s written, visual, or multimedia. We’ll share 41 content marketing resources in this ultimate list (many of which are completely free).

Both organic and paid methods of marketing are included in a successful content promotion strategy. We’ll go through each process briefly before sharing the best tools to help you with both.

Content Promotion Tools for Organic Material

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Organic content promotion increases the exposure of your content marketing efforts without the need for paid advertising. The only drawback is that you’ll need to put in some time and effort… which is where these organic content marketing resources come in handy. A Digital Marketing Company always loves to use a tool that is more productive, convenient, and budget-friendly. Let’s have look at various tools:

1. Launch Internet Explorer

One of the most critical aspects of promoting your content is obtaining inbound links from other websites. To optimise connection building, use the free version of Moz’s Open Site Explorer to see how many inbound links you have, which domains are linking to you, and a list of your top sites. You’ll also get access to the “Link Opportunities” feature in the Pro edition, which lets you recover broken links, find unlinked mentions, and find domains that are linking to your competitors but not to you.

2. Followerwonk

Followerwonk is another content promotion tool and a Moz method for tracking and analysing your Twitter followers.

The “Search Bios” function of this tool (which is included in the free version) is extremely useful. You can check Twitter profiles and/or Twitter bios for unique keywords (such as subjects you write about) to find influencers who are likely to share your content.

3. TweetDeck

Once you’ve found the influencers you want to hit, you may want to do some “media stalking” to learn more about them. Unfortunately, Twitter does not allow you to filter your feed to see only unique influencers. This is where this no-cost tool comes in handy.

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TweetDeck is a Twitter-specific dashboard that lets you organize your Twitter feed into streams. Simply create a new column and choose “User” as the column form to keep track of influencers. Then, to add their Twitter stream to your stack, enter the influencer’s Twitter handle and click the “Add Column” button. You can now keep a close eye on unique influencers in one convenient location!

4. Feedly

Feedly allows you to follow individual publishers and group them into groups in one convenient location. This is incredibly useful for identifying blogs to approach for guest posting opportunities or link building. It’s also useful for locating important individuals.

5. MozBar

MozBar is a Chrome extension that offers instant SEO metrics when browsing any website or search engine result. You can use it to quickly see the page authority and domain authority of all the results that come up when doing a Google search for a particular keyword. (If you upgrade to the Premium edition, you’ll be able to see the keyword complexity as well.)

You will find out if a website is a good candidate for link building by clicking into one of these individual websites. The highlight tool is a particularly useful feature: you can use it to highlight any of the links on the page as dofollow, nofollow, internal, or external links. This helps you to quickly and easily learn about the site’s linking behaviors. This is one of the most prominent tools preferred by Digital Marketing Service providers.

6. Search Streams in Hootsuite

Hootsuite has a feature called search streams that helps you to keep track of relevant content on your social media sites. This is an especially useful tool for tracking brand mentions so you can see who is already sharing your material (and who would be likely to share more, or link to you). Follow these steps to add the mentioned stream to your Hootsuite dashboard.

content Promotion

7. BuzzSumo

You can use BuzzSumo to identify the top influencers in your industry who are sharing similar content to yours. Then you can see exactly what content they share, as well as what subjects and domains they often share. You may also set up alerts to keep an eye on particular subjects, influencers, or rivals, as well as export all of this information as a CSV or Excel spreadsheet.

8. Inkybee

Inkybee has a suite of software with all the functionality you might possibly need if you need a high-powered solution for influencer discovery and analysis. In reality, they have almost all of the features that the other tools do, plus a few more.

Although there are so many features to list here, one of the most prominent is their ongoing blog discovery tool, which helps you to find new influencers in your niche right away. They also have a relationship tracker that aids in the management of influencer relationships.

Marketing Tools for Social Media

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Do you want to use social media to promote your content? These tools will help you share your blog posts on social media and inspire your followers to share it.

9. Tailwind

Tailwind is a popular Pinterest and Instagram content scheduling tool. Bulk picture upload, drag and drop calendar, multi-board pinning and pin looping, and hashtag lists are only a few of the features that will save you time.

Additionally, you can refine your Pinterest and Instagram schedules dynamically based on when your target audience is most likely to be online. Tailwind also has metrics to help you keep track of how well your posts are doing. No credit card is required to try Tailwind for free.

10. Social Warfare

Our favourite social media plugin for WordPress is Social Warfare. It gives you full control over the display of your content when it is posted on any major platform. You may, for example, upload different thumbnail images and details that are customised for each social network separately. It also helps you to fully customise the location and appearance of your social media buttons.

11. The Performance View of OptinMonster

You can build a success view like the one above in OptinMonster, which helps you to easily modify the message that users see after successfully opting in to your email list. This is an excellent opportunity to invite them to join you on other social media sites or to share your content.

12. Click to Tweet

Click to Tweet is a tool that makes it easier for your readers to share your content on Twitter. It works by creating an embed code that you can paste into the body of your blog posts to allow readers to easily tweet a quote from your post as they read it.

The analytics inside the dashboard are a nice feature of this content marketing tool. This makes it simple to track the success of your “click to tweet” campaigns.

13. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a cross between a social publishing and a social listening platform. To put it another way, you will use it to identify social discussions in which you want to participate, and then it will assist you in publishing your content across all of those channels. It also includes analytics, allowing you to see how well your social media campaigns are promoting your content.

14. Buffer

Buffer saves you time when it comes to social media publishing by allowing you to handle all of your sites from a single location. You can schedule posts to go out at specific times during the day, and review your stats to see which ones received the most attention. A social media marketing company or influencer marketing specialist used this kind of tool to schedule their posts.

15. IFTTT (If This Then That)

IFTTT helps you to create efficient automation, or “recipes,” by combining other resources. This tool’s applications are practically endless. For instance, you can use IFTTT to connect WordPress to your various social media platforms and automatically share blog posts to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and other platforms once they’re published. It can also be used to automatically share to one social media account when you make a post to another. Here you’ll find a wealth of useful recipes.

16. Kred 

Kred is a tool that assesses and scores your social impact. Use it to recognise places where you can expand your social following and to find other influencers with whom you can share your material.

17. Canva

Canva is a fantastic free tool for creating photos for social media posts and advertisements. Even if you have no design experience, the drag-and-drop interface is simple to use and includes a wide range of pre-designed templates that you can use to create attractive images.

The best thing about Canva is that their models are tailored for different social media, so you won’t have to worry about your photos being the right size.

18. Smart Podcast Player

The Smart Podcast Player is a fantastic tool for promoting your podcast if you have one. As you would expect, this tool allows you to insert a player for each of your podcast episodes into a blog post. It also accomplishes a great deal more. The complete player, for example, contains an archive of your previous episodes as well as a search feature, allowing listeners to quickly browse through your entire programme.

19. EMV Headline Analyzer

EMV Headline Analyzer is a useful free tool for writing better headlines for social media messages, blog posts, and advertisements. Simply type in your headline, and it will provide you with a score based on the emotions that your headline has the greatest effect on.

20. LikeAlyzer

LikeAlyzer is a free application that analyses and scores your Facebook profile. To help you improve your ranking, LikeAlyzer will make suggestions for how you can improve your page’s interaction and overall results. You’ll also be able to equate your page’s success to that of your competitors.

Tools for Email Marketing

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Remember to send your content out to your own email list! These tools can help your email subscribers consume and distribute your content more easily.

21. MailChimp’s Subject Line Researcher

You must first get the email list to open the email before you can promote some form of content to them. If you use MailChimp, their campaign builder has a Subject Line Researcher tool that can help you optimize your subject line and increase open rates. Simply click “Research subject lines,” and a window will appear, allowing you to experiment with various words and phrases.

The tool will analyze MailChimp’s monthly data of over 10 billion emails to show you the most effective subject lines that include your keywords. Due to the best user interface, an Email Marketing Company and individuals as well love to use this.

22. Zurb’s TestSubject

Another great method for increasing open rates is this one. TestSubject from Zurb is a free application that shows you how your subject line will appear on different mobile devices. This is significant because mobile devices account for up to 70% of all email opens!

23. Social Media Share Connection Generator

Do you want your email subscribers to be able to post your content on social media more easily? Ryan Solutions is a company that specialises in providing The Social Media Share Link Generator is a free tool that produces social media sharing links for use in email campaigns. Simply paste the URL of the website or article you want to share, the summary text (for Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn), and the URL for your thumbnail picture (for Pinterest), and you’ll get sharing links for all of the major social networks.

24. Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is a tool that assists you in writing better mails. Simply type in your email body copy, and it will provide you with a number of helpful tips for making your email more concise and understandable. 

25. FeedPress

FeedPress is a plugin that allows you to send out an email newsletter whenever a new blog post is published. If you have a section of your email list that has opted in to receive blog post updates, this is particularly useful. If your blog has several RSS feeds for each category, you can segment by category and use FeedPress to send the emails automatically.

26. OptinMonster

With strong, high-converting optin forms on your website, OptinMonster helps you expand your email list. Using exit-intent technology, capture visitors’ email addresses before they leave your site. Conversions can also be boosted by using well-timed popups, respectful slide-ins, in-line shapes, highly visible floating bars, and other techniques.

Tools for Promoting Paid Content

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Any content marketing plan should include organic promotion. However, getting started will take some time and patience. This is where paid advertisement comes into play. You will get more traffic to your content right away with these paid content marketing tools.

27. Facebook Audience Insights 

One of the most effective tools for targeting your advertising is Facebook Audience Insights.

You can tailor your advertising based on a wide range of demographics, preferences, and behaviours because Facebook has so much data. If you plan to run Facebook ads or not, you can learn a lot about your target audience using the free Audience Insights tool. Simply enter some basic information about your audience (for example, what page they prefer) and you’ll get a slew of other results.

28. YouTube Ads

The internet is becoming increasingly visual and interactive, and YouTube Ads are a fantastic way to capitalise on this trend (particularly if you have video content). Use them to pique the interest of your ideal audience with your content, and even use YouTube ads to retarget your current visitors and drive them further down your sales funnel.  

29. Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads are an excellent way to promote your blog posts and lead magnets. In addition, the tool’s Analytics section offers information about how many people your pins are reaching, how your profile is growing, the top pins that are performing well for you, and what people are saving from your domain.

30. Twitter Website Cards

You can use Twitter Ads to promote your content and increase website traffic, promote your lead magnets from a landing page, expand your Twitter audience, increase interaction, and more. The Website Card is the main campaign form you’ll want to use to promote your content. This is a powerful ad format that allows people to see a preview of an image, some context for your content, and a call to action to visit your blog for more information.

31. LinkedIn Sponsored Content

LinkedIn Ads should be considered if the target audience is made up of professionals. The great thing about LinkedIn advertising is that you can target people based on their business, company size, job description, feature, and even seniority. Sponsored Content is the main campaign form you’ll want to concentrate on when it comes to promoting your content.

32. Instagram Ads

Do you run an online shop or produce visual content? Instagram Advertising could be exactly what you need to promote your content. Within Facebook’s Ad Manager or Power Editor, you’ll find the Instagram ads tool. Simply create a standard Facebook ad and then choose Instagram as a placement option from the drop-down menu.

Tools for Search and Display Ads

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Do you want to promote your content through the Google search or show networks? Here are the resources you’ll need.

33. Google Adwords Search Ads

When people are searching for content similar to yours, Google AdWords Search Ads allow you to promote your content next to Google search results. You will only be charged when people visit your blog.

34. Google AdWords Display Ads

Promote your content on other websites and applications with Google AdWords Display Ads. You can use plain text or pictures, and your ads will even appear in your Gmail inbox.

35. Google Display Planner

Google Display Planner is a free tool that aids in the identification of your target demographic. Simply type in a keyword that is important to your content, and it will provide you with a wealth of knowledge about the audience that is interested in that keyword.

36. Google Keyword Planner

Another free tool that can help you find keywords that your target audience is looking for is Google Keyword Planner. Simply type in a keyword related to your content, and it will return a list of related search terms, as well as their search volume and competition. Of course, you can use this tool to find keywords for your search ads, but you can also use it to help you find keywords for organic traffic to your content.

Resources for Content Syndication

Are you looking for a place to distribute your content? When you push your content to third-party sites as a complete article, fragment, link, or thumbnail, this is known as content syndication. Here are a few content syndications resources to get you started.

37. Outbrain

Outbrain is a content marketing platform that promotes the content on well-known media outlets like CNN, People, and ESPN. Outbrain’s sponsored content reached approximately 557 million people per month last year.

38. Taboola

You can promote your content on MSN, NBC, USA Today, Tribune, and other sites using Taboola. Taboola hit approximately 1 billion people a month this year.

39. Zemanta

Zemanta is a content marketing platform that gives you access to more than 25 social, native, mobile, and discovery networks from one location. Since they’ve partnered with Outbrain, you’ll also have access to their content discovery network.

40. SimpleReach

SimpleReach gives you the opportunity to advertise your content on sites like Forbes, TIME, The New York Times, MSNBC, The Huffington Post, PBS, and others. Their predictive analytics tool is a neat function, since it assigns a “Predictive Ranking” to your content so you can see which content can produce the most social traffic.

41. StumbleUpon Ads

StumbleUpon Advertising is a tool that lets you promote your content on the StumbleUpon site for content discovery. Users choose the subjects they are interested in when they sign up for the app, meaning that the content is delivered to the right users.

Final thoughts

That concludes our discussion. This is the most comprehensive collection of content marketing resources available. It’s now your turn. To begin driving organic and paid traffic to your material, try one of the tools mentioned above.

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