Data and It

What is Form 26AS – 7 things you should know

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Form 26AS is a cumulative account of the taxes you have already charged and any refunds owed to you for the current fiscal year. The statement is available for download on the IRS website.Taxes deducted at source, taxes paid at source, information about high-value transaction deductions, advance taxes, and tax deducted for property selling, among other deductions, are all included on the form. Form 26AS is the single source of knowledge about all of your income tax deductions. It’s crucial to have Form 26AS on hand when filing your taxes, and not only because it simplifies the process of obtaining tax credits.

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chartered accountant

Reasons Why to Become a Chartered Accountant

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Share this blogChartered Accounting acquired conspicuousness, as a calling, someplace in the nineteenth century. Today, it is perceived as a worthwhile occupation, and viewed as an extraordinary vocation decision, with adequate freedoms to continue onward on the professional front. Sanctioned Accountants are represented by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), a legal body

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chartered accountant

Things to Learn from a Chartered Accountant

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Share this blogChartered Accountancy is not a regular course of book-keeping. It requires minds that can follow the code of ethics as well as have the practical experience to deal with any abnormalities in an organization’s financial health.  What is an Articleship? It is a 3-year long practical training phase that allows students to work

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Content Marketing

7 Lessons About Content Marketing You Need To Learn To Succeed

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Share this blogContent advertising is an essential showcasing approach zeroed in on making and circulating significant, important, and predictable substance to draw in and hold a plainly characterized crowd — and, eventually, to drive beneficial client activity.  It centers around possessing media instead of just acquiring it. It improves your online media methodology. It helps

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Top 7 online doctor consultation app India – 2021

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Share this blogDuring the conference, the specialist directs an intensive clinical survey by posing inquiries. The inquiries may cover side effects, general condition or sensation of the patient, any wellbeing concerns, and the consequences of past clinical trials. The specialist at that point plays out an actual test. The clinical conference is best perceived as

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